School Council
News June 2024
During the recent school council meeting, the children asked for a sponsored run/walk instead of the traditional sports day. One of the primary reasons behind this decision is their collective desire to support Mary Stevens Hospice, a charity that holds significant importance within our local community. Many of our children are already familiar with the incredible work this charity does to support individual and families during challenging times. Their awareness of the positive impact Mary Stevens Hospice has on our community, including providing assistance to patients and relatives, has been a driving force behind our decision to dedicate our efforts to this worthy cause.
We strongly believe in empowering our children and valuing their ideas. We recognise the important of fostering a sense of social responsibility and empathy within our school community. Therefore, when our children expressed their desire to support Mary Stevens Hospice, we were eager to ensure their initiative came to fruition.
The sponsored run/walk event will provide our children with an opportunity not only to contribute to a meaningful cause but also to participate in a fun and inclusive activity that promotes physical fitness and teamwork. It will be an event filled with excitement, camaraderie, and most importantly, the chance to make a different to the lives of others.
What do children love about St Margaret’s?
- Children love the rewards and merits we have in school
- They think that lessons are well-organised
- There are lots of books
- Children like the clubs
- Children like the staff
- Children like the different rooms we have in school that they use to learn in
- The children like the markings on the playground, e.g. hop scotch
What would they like to do/have at St Margaret’s to make it even better?
- Appoint House Captains for each of our four houses
- A climbing wall for Year 3 and 4 to use - Fundraising has started
- More playground equipment
- More visitors into school
- Flowers outside
- Art work displayed outside
Inter-house competitions
The children at St Margaret’s are going to participate in the following competitions to gain points for their house during the year.
- Football drills
- Hockey drills
- Star jumps and squats
- Races – sack, skipping and relay races
These are the other events the School Council found that children at St Margaret’s want to take part in over the year.
- Bake off
- Art talent show
- Science quiz
- Maths quiz
The children have been working with their class to develop regulation boxes. They asked their class what they would like to have in the boxes and we are putting these together. This is what we have so far.

School Council News
- Obstacles
- Reindeers hidden indoors and outdoors
- Dress up while we find the reindeers
- Use orienteering maps like we did at Astley Burf
- Answer clues to find the next reindeer
All year groups took part in the run and we raised £453. Well done everyone!