Religious Education
Religious Education
At St Margaret’s at Hasbury, Religious Education provides children with the opportunity to explore the beliefs of others and themselves, allowing pupils to explore what difference this may have on how a person lives or how they live their own day-to-day lives. Our aim is to help children develop a secure understanding of the key concepts underpinning different key faiths, and within Christianity, understand the Bible as a ‘big story’ where children will develop an understanding of chronology and order of events and how they occurred within the Bible.
As a VC school, we follow the Local Authority’s agreed syllabus, the Dudley SACRE 2013 (soon to be updated) combined with the ‘Understanding Christianity’ resource. The key concepts are then revisited within our spiral curriculum, building upon, and strengthening prior knowledge from EYFS through to Year 6.
Why teach RE?
- “It is vital that young people are able to understand themselves within the context of a diverse society so that they are equipped to be active citizens with the confidence to participate with peers whose background can often be different to their own.” DS (2013)
- “To enable pupils to leave school with a coherent understanding of the Christian belief and practice, as part of a wider religious, theological and cultural literacy.” (UC).
Our Aim
We aim for all children to speak confidently and openly about any aspect of religion which they find thought-provoking and challenging. We want our students to leave school well-equipped with skills to further support their journey into secondary school, thus allowing each child to ‘live life in all its fullness’.
National Curriculum Framework - RE - Keystage 1 & 2