Our school vision, 'Living Life in all its Fullness,' coupled with our curriculum drivers—creativity, emotional intelligence, curiosity, resilience, and independence—are pivotal in nurturing children's personal development. These elements are key to fostering responsible, respectful, and active citizens capable of meaningful participation in public life as adults. At St Margaret's at Hasbury CE Primary School, we prioritize developing the whole child through carefully planned visits and experiences. These opportunities ensure that children can reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity, and cooperate consistently well with others.

Character Education

At St Margaret's at Hasbury CE Primary School we believe that character development contributes significantly to personal flourishing. We are dedicated to fostering an environment where character development is at the heart of our educational approach. By prioritising mental and emotional well-being and instilling strong values, we prepare our children not only to succeed academically but also to flourish personally and socially. Our commitment to these principles ensures that every child can develop into a well-rounded, resilient, and purpose-driven individual.

We are very fortunate to have built a relationship with the prestigious Eton College. We are at the beginning of this partnership and have some exciting plans over the next couple of years.